
Select with the Polygonal Lasso tool

The Polygonal Lasso tool is useful for drawing straight-edged segments of a selection border.

  1. Select the Polygonal Lasso tool , and select options.
  2. Specify one of the selection options in the options bar.
    Selection options


    Add To

    Subtract From

    Intersect With

  3. (Optional) Set feathering and anti-aliasing in the options bar. See Soften the edges of selections.
  4. Click in the image to set the starting point.
  5. Do one or more of the following:
    • To draw a straight segment, position the pointer where you want the first straight segment to end, and click. Continue clicking to set endpoints for subsequent segments.

    • To draw a straight line at a multiple of 45°, hold down Shift as you move to click the next segment.

    • To draw a freehand segment, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), and drag. When you finish, release Alt or Option and the mouse button.

    • To erase recently drawn straight segments, press the Delete key.

  6. Close the selection border:
    • Position the Polygonal Lasso tool pointer over the starting point (a closed circle appears next to the pointer), and click.

    • If the pointer is not over the starting point, double-click the Polygonal Lasso tool pointer, or Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS).

  7. (Optional) Click Refine Edge to further adjust the selection boundary or view the selection against different backgrounds or as a mask. See Refine selection edges.