The Polygonal Lasso tool is useful for drawing straight-edged segments of a selection border.
To draw a straight segment, position the pointer where you want the first straight segment to end, and click. Continue clicking to set endpoints for subsequent segments.
To draw a straight line at a multiple of 45°, hold down Shift as you move to click the next segment.
To draw a freehand segment, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), and drag. When you finish, release Alt or Option and the mouse button.
To erase recently drawn straight segments, press the Delete key.
Position the Polygonal Lasso tool pointer over the starting point (a closed circle appears next to the pointer), and click.
If the pointer is not over the starting point, double-click the Polygonal Lasso tool pointer, or Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS).