
Remove a color cast with Auto Color

The Auto Color command adjusts the contrast and color of an image by searching the image to identify shadows, midtones, and highlights. By default, Auto Color neutralizes the midtones using a target color of RGB 128 gray and clips the shadows and highlight pixels by 0.5%. You can change these defaults in the Auto Color Correction Options dialog box.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Choose Image > Adjustments > Auto Color. The application of Auto Color is automatic with this option. You cannot adjust any of the options in the following steps.

    • Choose Layer > New Adjustment Layer and choose either Levels or Curves. Click OK in the New Layer dialog box.

  2. In the Levels or Curves dialog box, click the Option button.
  3. Select the Find Dark & Light option under Algorithms in the Auto Color Correction Options dialog box.
  4. Select the Snap Neutral Midtones option.
  5. Adjust the amount of shadows and highlights that are clipped, and adjust the target color for the midtones.
  6. Click OK in open dialog boxes to apply Auto Color.