
Replace color in image areas

The Color Replacement tool simplifies replacing specific colors in your image. You can paint over a targeted color with a corrective color. The Color Replacement tool doesn’t work in images in Bitmap, Indexed, or Multichannel color modes.

  1. Select the Color Replacement tool .
  2. Choose a brush tip in the options bar. Generally, you should keep the blending mode set to Color.
  3. For the Sampling option, choose one of the following:
    Samples colors continuously as you drag.

    Replaces the targeted color only in areas containing the color that you first click

    Background Swatch
    Replaces only areas containing the current background color.

  4. For the Limits option, select one of the following:
    Replaces the sampled color wherever it occurs under the pointer.

    Replaces colors that are contiguous with the color immediately under the pointer

    Find Edges
    Replaces connected areas containing the sampled color while better preserving the sharpness of shape edges.

  5. For tolerance, enter a percentage value (ranging from 0 to 255) or drag the slider. Choose a low percentage to replace colors very similar to the pixel you click, or raise the percentage to replace a broader range of colors.
  6. To define a smooth edge in the corrected areas, select Anti-aliased.
  7. Choose a foreground color to replace the unwanted color.
  8. Click the color you want to replace in the image.
  9. Drag in the image to replace the targeted color.