
Work with backdrops

You can choose to show only the active layer in the preview image, or you can show additional layers in the preview image as a backdrop. Using the Mode options, you can position the backdrop in front of or behind the active layer to keep track of your changes, or to line up a distortion with another distortion made in a different layer.

Important: Only the active layer is distorted, even if other layers are displayed.
Showing the backdrop
Select Show Backdrop, and then choose an option from the Use pop‑up menu. If you use All Layers, changes to the current target layer are not reflected in the backdrop layer. Specify an overlay opacity to change the blending between the target layer and the backdrop. The mode determines how the backdrop and the target layer are combined for the preview. Choose an option from the Mode pop‑up menu.

Hiding the backdrop
Deselect Show Backdrop in the View Options area of the dialog box.