Choose the Interactive Layout option in the main Photomerge dialog box to open the Photomerge interactive dialog box, where you can manually rearrange your source images to create a panorama.
With Reposition Only and Snap to Image selected, Photoshop will preserve alignment at overlapping image areas, and apply blending to even out differences of exposure between the images. In Perspective mode, Photoshop selects one of the source images to supply a vanishing point, and stretches or skews the other images to create a wraparound effect. Use the Vanishing Point tool to change the vanishing point and reorient the perspective.
After arranging the composition, click OK to generate the panorama as a new Photoshop file. The composition then opens in Photoshop.
Click Save Composition As to save the composition and open it again at a later time.
For a video about using Photomerge, see
Select the Hand tool and drag in the work area to move the view.
Drag the view box or the scroll bars in the Navigator thumbnail. The view box represents the boundaries of the work area.
Use the Zoom tool to
zoom in.
Click the Zoom Out icon below
the Navigator.
Click the Zoom In icon below
the Navigator.
Press Ctrl + + (Windows) or Command + + (Mac OS) to zoom in.
Press Ctrl + - (Windows) or Command + - (Mac OS) to zoom out.
Drag an image from the lightbox to the work area to add it to the composition.
Drag an image from the work area to the lightbox to remove it from the composition.
Double-click an image in the lightbox to add it to the composition.