When you enter point type, each line of type
is independent—the line expands or shrinks as you edit it, but it
doesn’t wrap to the next line. The type you enter appears in a new
type layer.
Select the Horizontal Type tool or
the Vertical Type tool .
Click in the image to set an insertion point for the
type. The small line through the I‑beam marks the baseline of the
type (the imaginary line on which type rests). For vertical type,
the baseline marks the center axis of the characters.
Select additional type options in the options bar, Character
palette, or Paragraph palette.
Enter the characters. To begin a new line, press Enter
(Windows) or Return (Mac OS).
Note: You can also transform point type while
in edit mode. Hold down the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS)
key. A bounding box appears around the type. You can grab a handle
to scale or skew the type. You can also rotate the bounding box.
When you finish entering or editing the type, do one
of the following:
Click the Commit button in
the options bar.
Press the Enter key on the numeric keypad.
Press Ctrl+Enter (Windows) or Command+Return (Mac OS).
Select any tool in the toolbox; click in the Layers,
Channels, Paths, Actions, History, or Styles palette; or select
any available menu command.