The type you enter is rendered in the current foreground color; however, you can change the color before or after you enter type. When editing existing type layers, you can change the color of individual, selected characters or of all type in a layer.
Click the Color selection box in the options bar or Character palette, and select a color using the Adobe Color Picker.
Use fill shortcuts. To fill with the foreground color, press Alt+Backspace (Windows) or Option+Delete (Mac OS); to fill with the background color, press Ctrl+Backspace (Windows) or Command+Delete (Mac OS).
Apply an overlay layer style to the type layer to apply a color, gradient, or pattern on top of the existing color. You can’t apply an overlay layer style selectively; it affects all characters in the type layer.
Click the foreground color selection box in the toolbox, and select a color using the Adobe Color Picker. Alternatively, click a color in the Color palette, or the Swatches palette. If you use this method to change the color of an existing type layer, you must first select characters on that layer.