
View slices and slice options

You can view slices in Photoshop and the Save For Web & Devices dialog box. The following characteristics can help you identify and differentiate between slices:

Slice lines
Define the boundary of the slice. Solid lines indicate that the slice is a user slice or layer-based slice; dotted lines indicate that the slice is an auto slice.

Slice colors
Differentiate user slices and layer‑based slices from auto slices. By default, user slices and layer-based slices have blue symbols, and auto slices have gray symbols.

In addition, the Save For Web & Devices dialog box uses color adjustments to dim unselected slices. These adjustments are for display purposes only and do not affect the color of the final image. By default, the color adjustment for auto slices is twice the amount of that for user slices.

Slice numbers
Slices are numbered  from left to right and top to bottom, beginning in the upper left corner of the image. If you change the arrangement or total number of slices, slice numbers are updated to reflect the new order.

Slice badges
The following badges, or icons, indicate certain conditions.
User slice has Image content.

User slice has No Image content.

Slice is layer based.

Show or hide slice boundaries

 Choose View > Show > Slices. To hide and show slices along with other items, use the Extras command. See Show or hide Extras.

Show or hide auto slices

 Do one of the following:
  • Select the Slice Select tool, and click Show Auto Slices or Hide Auto Slices in the options bar.

  • Choose View > Show > Slices. Auto slices appear with the rest of your slices.

Show or hide slice numbers

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In Windows, choose Edit > Preferences > Guides, Grid, Slices & Count.

    • In Mac OS, choose Photoshop > Preferences > Guides, Grid, Slices & Count.

  2. Under Slices, click Show Slice Numbers.

Change the color of slice lines

  1. In Windows, choose Edit > Preferences > Guides, Grid, Slices & Count; in Mac OS, choose Photoshop > Preferences > Guides, Grid, Slices & Count.
  2. Under Slice Lines, choose a color from the Line Color menu.

    After the color change, selected slice lines are automatically displayed in a contrasting color.