
Create and use tool presets

Tool presets let you save and reuse tool settings. You can load, edit, and create libraries of tool presets using the Tool Preset picker in the options bar, the Tool Presets palette, and the Preset Manager.

To choose a tool preset, click the Tool Preset picker in the options bar, and select a preset from the pop‑up palette. You can also choose Window > Tool Presets and select a preset in the Tools Presets palette.

Viewing the Tool Preset picker

Click the Tool Preset picker in the options bar to show the Tool Preset pop‑up palette.

Select a preset to change the tool’s options to the preset, which applies each time you select the tool until you choose Reset Tool from the palette menu.

Deselect to show all tool presets; select to show presets for only the tool selected in the toolbox.

Create a tool preset

  1. Choose a tool, and set the options you want to save as a tool preset in the options bar.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Tool Preset button next to the tool at the left of the options bar.

    • Choose Window > Tool Presets to display the Tool Presets palette.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Create New Tool Preset button .

    • Choose New Tool Preset from the palette menu.

  4. Enter a name for the tool preset, and click OK.

Change the list of tool presets

 Click the triangle to open the Tool Presets pop‑up palette menu and choose one of the following:
Show All Tool Presets
Shows all loaded presets.

Sort By Tool
Sorts the presets by tool.

Show Current Tool Presets
Shows only the loaded presets for the active tool. You can also select the Current Tool Only option in the Tool Presets pop‑up palette.

Text Only, Small List, or Large List
Determines how presets are displayed in the pop‑up palette.
Note: To create, load, and manage libraries of tool presets, see Working with pop‑up palettes and Work with the Preset Manager.