
Convert paths to selection borders

Paths provide smooth outlines that you can convert into precise selection borders. You also can convert selection borders into paths, using the Direct Selection tool  for fine-tuning.

You can define any closed path as a selection border. A closed path can be added to, subtracted from, or combined with the current selection.

Convert a path to a selection border using the current settings

  1. Select the path in the Paths palette.
  2. To convert the path, do one of the following:
    • Click the Load Path as a Selection button  at the bottom of the Paths palette.

    • Ctrl‑click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) the path thumbnail in the Paths palette.

Convert a path to a selection border and specify settings

  1. Select the path in the Paths palette.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the Load Path As A Selection button  at the bottom of the Paths palette.

    • Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) the path to the Load Path As A Selection button.

    • Choose Make Selection from the Paths palette menu.

  3. In the Make Selection dialog box, select a Rendering option:
    Feather Radius
    Defines how far inside and outside the selection border the feather edge extends. Enter a value in pixels.

    Creates a finer transition between the pixels in the selection and the surrounding pixels. Make sure the Feather Radius is set to 0.

    For more information on these options, see Soften the edges of selections.

  4. Select an Operation option:
    New Selection
    Selects only the area defined by the path.

    Add To Selection
    Adds the area defined by the path to the original selection.

    Subtract From Selection
    Removes the area defined by the path from the current selection.

    Intersect With Selection
    Selects the area common to both the path and the original selection. If the path and selection do not overlap, nothing is selected.

  5. Click OK.