
Interpret video footage (Photoshop Extended)

You can specify how Photoshop Extended interprets the alpha channel and frame rate of the video you’ve opened or imported.

  1. In the Animation or Layers palette, select the video layer that you want to interpret.
  2. Choose Layer > Video Layers > Interpret Footage.
  3. In the Interpret Footage dialog box, do any of the following:
    • To specify how the alpha channel in the video layer is interpreted, select an Alpha Channel option. The footage must have an alpha channel for this option to be available. If Premultiplied-Matte is selected, you can specify the matte color with which the channels are premultiplied.

    • To specify the number of video frames played per second, enter a Frame Rate.

    • To color-manage the frames or images in a video layer, choose a profile from the Color Profile menu.

Alpha channel interpretation in video and image sequences (Photoshop Extended)

Video and image sequences with alpha channels can be straight or premultiplied. If you’re working with video or image sequences containing alpha channels, it’s important to specify how Photoshop Extended interprets the alpha channel to get the results you expect. When premultiplied video or images are in a document with certain background colors, it’s possible to get undesirable ghosting or halos. You can specify a matte color so the semi-transparent pixels blend (multiply) with the background without producing halos.

Ignores the alpha channel in the video.

Interprets the alpha channel as straight alpha. If the application you used to create the video doesn’t premultiply the alpha channel, select this option.

Interprets the alpha channel as premultiplied with black, white, or a color. If necessary, click the color swatch in the Interpret Footage dialog box to open the Adobe Color Picker to specify the matte color.
Alpha channel premultiplied with white matte