
Keys for using palettes

This is not a complete list of keyboard shortcuts. This table lists only those shortcuts that are not displayed in menu commands or tool tips.



Mac OS

Set options (except for Actions, Animation, Styles, Brushes, Tool Presets, and Layer Comps palettes)

Alt-click New button

Option-click New button

Delete without confirmation (except for the Brushes palette)

Alt-click Delete button

Option-click Delete button

Apply value and keep text box active

Shift + Enter

Shift + Return

Load as a selection

Control-click channel, layer, or path thumbnail.

Command-click channel, layer, or path thumbnail.

Add to current selection

Control + Shift-click channel, layer, or path thumbnail.

Command + Shift-click channel, layer, or path thumbnail.

Subtract from current selection

Control + Alt-click channel, path, or layer thumbnail.

Command + Option-click channel, path, or layer thumbnail.

Intersect with current selection

Control + Shift + Alt-click channel, path, or layer thumbnail.

Command + Shift + Option-click channel, path, or layer thumbnail.

Show/Hide all palettes



Show/Hide all palettes except the toolbox and options bar

Shift + Tab

Shift + Tab

Highlight options bar

Select tool and press Enter

Select tool and press Return

Increase/decrease units by 10 in a pop‑up menu

Shift + Up Arrow/Down Arrow

Shift + Up Arrow/Down Arrow