

Preview highlight and shadow clipping in Camera Raw

Clipping occurs when a pixel’s color values are higher than the highest value or lower than the lowest value that can be represented in the image; overbright values are clipped to output white, and overdark values are clipped to output black. The result is a loss of image detail.

  • To see which pixels are being clipped with the rest of the preview image, select Shadows or Highlights options beneath the histogram.
  • To see only the pixels that are being clipped, press Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) while dragging the Exposure, Recovery, or Black sliders.

For highlights, pixels that are clipped in all color channels appear white. For shadows, pixels that are clipped in all color channels appear black. Clipping in one or two channels is shown by the primary color (red, green, blue) or a combined color (cyan, magenta, yellow).

Note: In some cases, clipping occurs because the color space that you are working has a gamut that is too small. If your colors are being clipped, consider working in a color space with a large gamut, such as ProPhoto RGB.