

Work with the Camera Raw cache in Bridge

When you view camera raw files in Adobe Bridge, the thumbnails and previews use either the default settings or your adjusted settings. The cache in Bridge and the Camera Raw cache store data for the file thumbnails, metadata, and file information. Caching this data shortens the loading time when you return to a previously viewed folder.

Because caches can become very large, you may want to purge the cache or limit its size. You can also purge and regenerate the cache if you suspect that it is corrupted or old. Purging the cache deletes thumbnail information and metadata added since the camera raw file was opened in Bridge.

Note: The Camera Raw cache holds data for about 200 images for each gigabyte of disk storage allocated to it. By default, the Camera Raw cache is set to a maximum size of 1 GB. You can increase its limit in the Camera Raw Preferences.
  1. In Bridge, choose Edit > Camera Raw Preferences (Windows) or Bridge > Camera Raw Preferences (Mac OS), or, with the Camera Raw dialog box open, click the Open Preferences Dialog button .
  2. Do any of the following:
    • To change the cache size, enter a Maximum Size value.

    • To purge the camera raw cache, click the Purge Cache button.

    • To change the location of the camera raw cache, click Select Location.