
Add and edit vector masks

You create vector masks with the pen or shapes tools. For more information on working with these tools, see Drawing.

Add a vector mask that shows or hides the entire layer

  1. In the Layers palette, select the layer you want to add the vector mask to.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To create a vector mask that reveals the entire layer, choose Layer > Vector Mask > Reveal All.

    • To create a vector mask that hides the entire layer, choose Layer > Vector Mask > Hide All.

Add a vector mask that shows the contents of a shape

  1. In the Layers palette, select the layer to which to add a vector mask.
  2. Select a path, or use one of the shape or pen tools to draw a work path.
    Note: To create a path with a shape tool, click the Paths icon in the shape tool options bar.
  3. Choose Layer > Vector Mask > Current Path.

Edit a vector mask

 Click the vector mask thumbnail in the Layers palette or the thumbnail in the Paths palette. Then change the shape using the shape, pen, or Direct Selection tools. See Editing paths.

Remove a vector mask

 Do one of the following in the Layers palette:
  • Drag the vector mask thumbnail to the Delete icon .

  • Select the layer containing the vector mask you want to delete, and choose Layer > Vector Mask  > Delete.

Disable or enable a vector mask

 Do one of the following:
  • Shift-click the vector mask thumbnail in the Layers palette.

  • Select the layer containing the vector mask you want to disable or enable, and choose Layer > Vector Mask > Disable or Layer > Vector Mask > Enable.

A red X appears over the mask thumbnail in the Layers palette when the mask is disabled, and the layer’s content appears without masking effects.

Convert a vector mask to a layer mask

 Select the layer containing the vector mask you want to convert, and choose Layer > Rasterize > Vector Mask.
Important: After you rasterize a vector mask, you can’t change it back into a vector object.