

Manage actions

Manage actions in the Actions palette to keep them organized and to make available only the actions you need for a project. You can rearrange, duplicate, delete, rename, and change options for actions in the Actions palette.

Rearrange actions in the Actions palette

 In the Actions palette, drag the action to its new location before or after another action. When the highlighted line appears in the desired position, release the mouse button.

Duplicate actions, commands, or sets

 Do one of the following:
  • Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) the action or command to a new location in the Actions palette. When the highlighted line appears in the desired location, release the mouse button.

  • Select an action or command. Then choose Duplicate from the Actions palette menu.

  • Drag an action or command to the Create New Action button at the bottom of the Actions palette.

You can duplicate sets with any of the same methods.

Delete actions, commands, or sets

  1. In the Actions palette, select the action, command, or set.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • Click the Delete icon  on the Actions palette. Click OK to complete the deletion.

    • Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the Delete icon to delete the selection without displaying a confirmation dialog box.

    • Drag the selection to the Delete icon on the Actions palette to delete without displaying a confirmation dialog box.

    • Choose Delete from the Actions palette menu.

Delete all actions in the Actions palette

 Choose Clear All Actions (Photoshop) or Clear Actions (Illustrator) from the Actions palette menu.

Even after clearing all actions, the Actions palette can be restored to its default set of actions.

Rename an action or change options

  1. Select the action, and choose Action Options from the Actions palette menu.
  2. Type a new name for the action, or change the options for its set, function key combination, or button color.
  3. Click OK.
Double-clicking the action name in the Actions palette in Illustrator also opens the Action Options dialog box. In Photoshop, you can double-click an action in the Actions palette and enter a new name.