
Create a web photo gallery

  1. (Optional) Select the files or folder you want to use in Adobe Bridge.

    Your images will be presented in the order in which they’re displayed in Bridge. If you’d rather use a different order, change the order in Bridge.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • In Adobe Bridge, choose Tools > Photoshop > Web Photo Gallery.

    • In Photoshop, choose File > Automate > Web Photo Gallery.

  3. Choose a style for the gallery from the Styles pop‑up menu. A preview of the home page for the chosen style appears in the dialog box.
  4. (Optional) Enter an e‑mail address as the contact information for the gallery.
  5. Choose the source files for your gallery from the Use menu.
    Selected Images From Adobe Bridge
    Uses images you selected before opening the Web Photo Gallery dialog box.

    Uses images from folders you select using the Browse (Windows) or Choose (Mac OS) buttons. Select Include All Subfolders to include images inside any subfolders of the selected folder.

  6. Click Destination, and then select a folder in which to store the images and HTML pages for the gallery. Then click OK (Windows) or Choose (Mac OS).
  7. Select formatting options for the web gallery. Choose from the Options menu to display each set of options. See Web photo gallery options.
  8. Click OK. Photoshop places the following HTML and JPEG files in your destination folder:
    • A home page for your gallery named index.htm or index.html, depending on the Extension options. Open this file in any web browser to preview your gallery.

    • JPEG images inside an images subfolder.

    • HTML pages inside a pages subfolder.

    • JPEG thumbnail images inside a thumbnails subfolder.