
Remove footage from a layer (Photoshop Extended)

You can remove footage from the start or end of a video or animation layer.
When you trim footage, you can restore it by re-extending the ends of the layer duration bar.
  1. In the Animation or Layers palette, select the layer you want to edit.
  2. Move the current-time indicator to the frame (or time) you want as the new In point or Out point.
  3. On the Animation palette menu, choose one of the following options:
    Move Layer In Point To Current Time
    Permanently moves section from the start of the layer to the current-time indicator.

    Move Layer Out Point To Current Time
    Permanently moves section from the current-time indicator to the end of the layer.

    Trim Layer Start To Current Time
    Temporarily removes (hides) section from the current-time indicator to the start of the layer.

    Trim Layer End To Current Time
    Temporarily removes (hides) section from the current-time indicator to the end of the layer.

Note: You can also use the Lift Work Area command to delete footage in one or more unlocked layers, or the Extract Work Area command to delete a specific duration in all layers of a video or animation.