When you
work with the shape or pen tools, you can draw in three different modes.
You choose a mode by selecting an icon in the options bar when you have
a shape or pen tool selected.
- Shape Layers
Creates a shape
on a separate layer. You can use either the shape tools or the pen
tools to create shape layers. Because they are easily moved, resized,
aligned, and distributed, shape layers are ideal for making graphics
for web pages. You can choose to draw multiple shapes on a layer.
A shape layer consists of a fill layer that defines the shape color
and a linked vector mask that defines the shape outline. The outline
of a shape is a path, which appears in the Paths palette.
- Paths
Draws a work path on the current layer that you can then
use to make a selection, create a vector mask, or fill and stroke
with color to create raster graphics (much as you would using a
painting tool). A work path is temporary unless you save it. Paths
appear in the Paths palette.
- Fill Pixels
Paints directly
on a layer—much as a painting tool does. When you work in this mode,
you’re creating raster images—not vector graphics. You work with
the shapes you paint just as you do with any raster image. Only
the shape tools work in this mode.

Drawing options
- A.
- Shape Layers
- B.
- Paths
- C.
- Fill Pixels