
Choose web‑safe colors

The web‑safe colors are the 216 colors used by browsers regardless of the platform. The browser changes all colors in the image to these colors when displaying the image on an 8‑bit screen. The 216 colors are a subset of the Mac OS 8‑bit color palettes. By working only with these colors, you can be sure that art you prepare for the web will not dither on a system set to display 256 colors.

Select web‑safe colors in the Adobe Color Picker

 Select the Only Web Colors option in the lower left corner of the Color Picker. Any color you pick with this option selected is web‑safe.

Change a non‑web color to a web‑safe color

If you select a non‑web color, an alert cube  appears next to the color rectangle in the Adobe Color Picker.

 Click the alert cube to select the closest web color. (If no alert cube appears, the color you chose is web‑safe.)

Select a web‑safe color using the Color palette

  1. Click the Color palette tab, or choose Window > Color to view the Color palette.
  2. Choose an option for selecting a web‑safe color:
    • Choose Make Ramp Web Safe from the Color palette menu. Any color you pick with this option selected is web‑safe.

    • Choose Web Color Sliders from the Color palette menu. By default, web color sliders snap to web‑safe colors (indicated by tick marks) when you drag them. To override web‑safe color selection, Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) the sliders.

    If you choose a non‑web color, an alert cube  appears above the color ramp on the left side of the Color palette. Click the alert cube to select the closest web color.