
Set pen sensitivity for graphics tablets

If you work with a graphics drawing tablet, such as the Wacom® tablet, you can set the painting tools to control how color is applied depending on the pen pressure, angle, rotation, or using the stylus wheel.

  1. Select the Brush tool , the Pencil tool , or other painting tool in the toolbox.
  2. Click the Brushes tab to bring the Brushes palette to the front or, if the palette isn’t open, choose Window > Brushes.
  3. To make the tool tip size change with pressure, select Shape Dynamics (be sure to click the word, not just the check box) in the Brushes palette. Then choose Pen Pressure from the Controls menu under the Size Jitter slider control.
  4. To make the opacity change with pressure, select Other Dynamics. Then choose Pen Pressure from the Controls menu under the Opacity Jitter slider control.
    Note: You can set the pen pressure for other brush characteristics as well. The Brush palette contains controls that vary the angle, flow, scatter, texture depth, and roundness of the stroke according to pen pressure.