Smart Sharpen filter has sharpening controls not available with
the Unsharp Mask filter. You can set the sharpening algorithm or
control the amount of sharpening that occurs in shadow and highlight
Zoom the document window to 100% to get an accurate
view of the sharpening.
Choose Filter > Sharpen > Smart
Set the controls in the Sharpen tabs:
Sets the amount of sharpening. A higher value increases
the contrast between edge pixels, giving the appearance of greater
Determines the number of pixels surrounding the edge
pixels affected by the sharpening. The greater the radius value,
the wider the edge effects and the more obvious the sharpening.
Sets the sharpening algorithm used to sharpen the image.
Gaussian Blur is the method used by the Unsharp Mask filter. Lens
Blur detects the edges and detail in an image, and provides finer
sharpening of detail and reduced sharpening halos. Motion Blur attempts
to reduce the effects of blur due to camera or subject movement.
Set the Angle control if you choose Motion Blur.
Sets the direction of motion for the Motion Blur option
of the Remove control.
More Accurate
Processes the file more slowly for a more accurate removal
of blurring.
Adjust sharpening of dark and light areas using in the
Shadow and Highlight tabs. (Click the Advanced button to display
the tabs). If the dark or light sharpening halos appear too strong
you can reduce them with these controls, which are only available
for 8‑bits and 16‑bits-per-channel images:
Fade Amount
Adjusts the amount of sharpening in the highlights or
Tonal Width
Controls the range of tones in the shadows or highlights
that are modified. Move the slider to the left or right to decrease
or increase the Tonal Width value. Smaller values restrict the adjustments
to only the darker regions for shadow correction and only the lighter
regions for highlight correction.
Controls the size of the area around each pixel that
is used to determine whether a pixel is in the shadows or highlights.
Moving the slider to the left specifies a smaller area, and moving
it to the right specifies a larger area.