
Specify a delay time in frame animations

You can specify a delay—the time that a frame is displayed—for single frames or for multiple frames in an animation. Delay time is displayed in seconds. Fractions of a second are displayed as decimal values. For example, one-quarter of a second is specified as .25. If you set a delay on the current frame, every frame you create after that will remember and apply that delay value.

  1. (Photoshop Extended) Make sure the Animation palette is in frame animation mode.
  2. Select one or more frames.
  3. In the Animation palette, click the Delay value below the selected frame to view the Delay pop‑up menu.
  4. Specify the delay:
    • Choose a value from the pop‑up menu. (The last value used appears at the bottom of the menu.)

    • Choose Other, enter a value in the Set Frame Delay dialog box, and click OK. If you selected multiple frames, specifying a delay value for one frame applies the value to all frames.