
Rasterize video layers (Photoshop Extended)

When you rasterize video layers, the selected layer is flattened to a composite of the current frame selected in the Animation palette. Although it’s possible to rasterize more than one video layer at a time, you’ll only be able to specify the current frame for the topmost video layer.

  1. In the Layers palette, select the video layer.
  2. In the Animation palette, move the current-time indicator to the frame that you want preserved when you rasterize the video layer.
  3. Do either of the following:
    • Choose Layer > Rasterize > Video.

    • Choose Layer > Rasterize > Layer.

      Note: To rasterize more than one video layer at a time, select the layers in the Layers palette, set the current-time indicator to the frame you want to preserve in the topmost video layer, and then choose Layer > Rasterize > Layers.