
Color palette overview

The Color palette (Window > Color) displays the color values for the current foreground and background colors. Using the sliders in the Color palette, you can edit the foreground and background colors using different color models. You can also choose a foreground or background color from the spectrum of colors displayed in the color ramp at the bottom of the palette.

Color palette

Foreground color

Background color


Color ramp

The Color palette may display the following alerts when you select a color:

  • An exclamation point inside a triangle  appears above the left side of the color ramp when you choose a color that cannot be printed using CMYK inks.

  • A cube  appears above the left side of the color ramp when you choose a color that is not web‑safe.

Change the color model of the Color palette sliders

 Choose a Sliders option from the Color palette menu.

Change the spectrum displayed in the color palette

  1. Choose an option from the Color palette menu:
    • RGB Spectrum, CMYK Spectrum, or Grayscale Ramp to display the spectrum of the specified color model.

    • Current Colors to display the spectrum of colors between the current foreground color and the current background color.

  2. To display only web‑safe colors, choose Make Ramp Web Safe.
    To change the spectrum of the color ramp quickly, Shift-click in the color ramp until you see the spectrum you want.