You can use the controls in the HSL / Grayscale
tab to adjust individual color ranges. For example, if a red object
looks too vivid and distracting, you can decrease the Reds values
in the nested Saturation tab.
The following nested tabs contain
controls for adjusting a color component for a specific color range:
- Hue
Changes the color. For example, you can change a blue sky
(and all other blue objects) from cyan to purple.
- Saturation
Changes the color vividness or purity of the color. For instance,
you can change a blue sky from gray to highly saturated blue.
- Luminance
Changes the brightness of the color range.
you select Convert To Grayscale, you see only one nested tab:
- Grayscale Mix
Use controls in this tab to specify the contribution of each
color range to the grayscale version of the image.