Entering psnewdoc(W,H,R,N,M,F,A,B,P) creates
a new document with values for the following attributes:
- W
Specifies the width of the document using the current units
from the Units & Rulers option in the Photoshop Preferences
dialog box. The default width is 504 pixels.
- H
Specifies the height of the document using the current units
in the Units & Rulers panel in the Photoshop Preference dialog
box. The default height is 360.
- R
Specifies the resolution. The default is 72 ppi.
- N
Specifies the document name. The default is Untitled‑X, where
X is the index for new documents.
- M
Specifies the color mode: RGB, CMYK, Lab, Bitmap, or Grayscale.
The default is RGB.
- F
Specifies the background contents of the new document: White,
Background Color, or Transparent. The default is White.
- A
Specifies the pixel aspect ratio. The default is 1.0 (square).
- B
Specifies the bit depth: 1, 8, 16, or 32. The default
is 8.
- P
Specifies the color profile. The default is the working color
space for the specified color mode. The working spaces are specified
in the Photoshop Color Settings dialog box.