
Create a new document in MATLAB (Photoshop Extended)

  1. In MATLAB, enter psnewdoc.
  2. To specify the attributes of the new document, enter one of the following:
    • To create a new document using the default values, enter psnewdoc(). For information on default values, see below.

    • To create a new document with a specific width and height, enter psnewdoc(W,H). The W and H values use the current units set in the Units & Rulers option in the Photoshop Preferences dialog box. Other document attributes are set to their default values.

      Note: Enter “undefined” as a string to skip input arguments. The default size for a new document is 504 x 360 pixels.
    • To create a new document and specify attributes, enter psnewdoc(W,H,R,N,M,F,A,B,P). For information on new document attributes, see below.

    Here is an example code for creating a new document and specifying all the attributes in MATLAB:

    psnewdoc(10, 10, 72, 'hi', 'cmyk', 'transparent', 2.5, 16, 'U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2')

New document attributes and defaults

Entering psnewdoc(W,H,R,N,M,F,A,B,P) creates a new document with values for the following attributes:

Specifies the width of the document using the current units from the Units & Rulers option in the Photoshop Preferences dialog box. The default width is 504 pixels.

Specifies the height of the document using the current units in the Units & Rulers panel in the Photoshop Preference dialog box. The default height is 360.

Specifies the resolution. The default is 72 ppi.

Specifies the document name. The default is Untitled‑X, where X is the index for new documents.

Specifies the color mode: RGB, CMYK, Lab, Bitmap, or Grayscale. The default is RGB.

Specifies the background contents of the new document: White, Background Color, or Transparent. The default is White.

Specifies the pixel aspect ratio. The default is 1.0 (square).

Specifies the bit depth: 1, 8, 16, or 32. The default is 8.

Specifies the color profile. The default is the working color space for the specified color mode. The working spaces are specified in the Photoshop Color Settings dialog box.