
Automatic counting using a selection (Photoshop Extended)

Use the Photoshop automatic counting feature to count multiple selection areas in an image. Define selection areas using the Magic Wand tool or the Color Range command.

  1. Select the Magic Wand tool, or choose Select > Color Range.
  2. Create a selection that includes the objects in the image that you want to count. For best results, use an image with objects that contrast well against their background.
    • If you are using the Magic Wand tool, increase or decrease the Tolerance option as needed to optimize the selection of the objects you want to count in the image. Deselect the Anti-alias and Contiguous options.

    • For Color Range, set Fuzziness and Selected Colors to fine tune the selected areas in the image (see Select a color range).

  3. Choose Analysis > Select Data Points > Custom.
  4. In the Selections area, select the Count data point and click OK.
  5. Open the Measurement Log.
  6. Choose Analysis > Record Measurements, or click Record Measurements in the Measurement Log.

    Photoshop counts the selection areas and enters the number in the Count column in the Measurement Log.

    For a video on counting, see