

Correct spelling errors as you type

By turning on Autocorrect, you can allow capitalization errors and common typing mistakes to be replaced while you type. Before Autocorrect will work, you must create a list of commonly misspelled words and associate them with the correct spelling.

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Autocorrect (Windows) or InDesign > Preferences > Autocorrect (Mac OS).
  2. Choose Enable Autocorrect. (You can also choose Edit > Spelling > Autocorrect to turn this feature on or off quickly.)
  3. From the Language menu, choose which language the autocorrections are applied to.
  4. To correct capitalization errors (such as typing “germany” instead of “Germany”), select Autocorrect Capitalization Errors. You don’t need to add the capitalized words to the list of autocorrections.
  5. To add a word that you commonly misspell, click Add, type the misspelled word (such as “teh”), type the correction (such as “the”), and then click OK.
  6. Continue to add words that you commonly misspell, and then click OK.

When you type any misspelled word you added to the list, the word is automatically replaced by the word you entered as the correction.