
Change ruler guide stacking order

By default, ruler guides appear in front of all other guides and objects. However, some ruler guides may block your view of such objects as lines with narrow stroke widths. You can change the Guides in Back preference to display ruler guides in front of or behind all other objects. However, regardless of the Guides in Back setting, objects and ruler guides are always in front of margin and column guides. Also, although putting guides on different layers organizes them structurally, it does not affect their visual stacking order—the Guides in Back preference stacks all ruler guides as a single set in relation to all page objects.

Default stacking order

Ruler guides

Page objects

Margin and column guides


  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Guides & Pasteboard (Windows) or InDesign > Preferences > Guides & Pasteboard (Mac OS).
  2. Select Guides in Back, and click OK.