Specify layer options
New Layer in the Layers panel menu, or double-click an existing
- Specify the layer options, and then click OK.
- Color
Assign a color to identify the objects on that layer.
- Show Layer
Select this option to make a layer visible and printable.
Selecting this option is the same as the making the eye icon visible
in the Layers panel.
- Show Guides
Select this option to make the guides on the layer visible.
When this option is not selected for a layer, the guides cannot
be made visible, even by selecting View > Show Guides
for the document.
- Lock Layer
Select this option to prevent changes to any objects on the
layer. Selecting this option is the same as making the crossed-out
pencil icon visible in the Layers panel.
- Lock Guides
Select this option to prevent changes to all ruler guides
on the layer.
- Print Layer
Select this option to allow the layer to be prevented from
printing. When printing or exporting to PDF, you can determine whether
to print hidden and nonprinting layers.
- Suppress Text Wrap When Layer Is Hidden
Select this option if you want text on other layers to flow
normally when the layer is hidden and it contains objects with text
wrap applied.