
PageMaker View menu commands

PageMaker command

InDesign equivalent

Additional information

View > Display Master Items

Choose Hide/Show Master Items from the Pages panel menu


View > Display Non-Printing Items

Select Normal View Mode  in the Toolbox to view nonprinting items. To hide nonprinting items, select Preview Mode .

You can also create a layer for objects you do not want to print, and then show or hide that layer when you print or export.

View > Zoom In

View > Zoom In


View > Zoom Out

View > Zoom Out


View > Actual Size

View > Actual Size


View > Fit In Window

View > Fit Page In Window or View > Fit Spread In Window


View > Entire Pasteboard

View > Entire Pasteboard


View > Zoom To

Choose a magnification level from the Zoom menu at the bottom of the document window.


View > Hide/Show Rulers

View > Hide/Show Rulers


View > Snap To Rulers

No equivalent


View > Zero Lock

Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the zero point, and then choose Lock Zero Point from the context menu that appears.


View > Hide/Show Guides

View > Grids & Guides > Hide/Show Guides


View > Snap To Guides

View > Grids & Guides > Snap To Guides


View > Lock Guides

View > Grids & Guides > Lock Guides And View > Grids & Guides > Lock Column Guides


View > Clear Ruler Guides

Using InDesign keyboard shortcuts, Press Ctrl+Alt+G (Windows) or Command+Option+G (Mac OS) to select all guides on the current spread, and then press Delete.


View > Send Guides To Back

Edit > Preferences > Guides & Pasteboard (Windows) or InDesign > Preferences > Guides & Pasteboard (Mac OS)


View > Hide/Show Scroll Bars

No equivalent