
Options for omitting graphics

The OPI options in the Advanced area let you selectively omit different imported graphics types when sending image data to a printer or file, leaving only the OPI links (comments) for later handling by an OPI server.

OPI Image Replacement
Enables InDesign to replace low-resolution EPS proxies of graphics with high-resolution graphics at output time. For OPI image replacement to work, the EPS file must contain OPI comments that link the low-resolution proxy image to the high-resolution image. InDesign must have access to the graphics linked by the OPI comments. If the high‑resolution versions are not available, InDesign preserves the OPI links and includes the low-resolution proxy in the export file. Deselect this option to have an OPI server replace OPI-linked graphics later in the workflow.

Omit For OPI
Lets you selectively omit different imported graphics types (EPS, PDF, and bitmap images) when sending image data to a printer or file, leaving only the OPI links (comments) for later handling by an OPI server. The comments contain the information needed to locate a high-resolution image on an OPI server. InDesign only includes the comments; the service provider must have access to the original high-resolution image on a server at replacement time. The Omit For OPI option doesn’t apply to embedded graphics.