When selecting strokes and fills for the table
or cells, use the following options:
- Weight
Specifies the line thickness for the table or cell border.
- Type
Specifies the line style, such as Thick - Thin
and Solid.
- Color
Specifies the color of the table or cell border. The choices
listed are those available in the Swatches panel.
- Tint
Specifies the percentage of ink of the specified color to
be applied to the stroke or fill.
- Gap Color
Applies a color to the areas between the dashes, dots, or
lines. This option is not available if Solid is selected for Type.
- Gap Tint
Applies tint to the areas between the dashes, dots, or lines.
This option is not available if Solid is selected for Type.
- Overprint
When selected, causes the ink specified in the Color drop-down
list to be applied over any underlying colors, rather than knocking
out those inks.