
Flatten an individual spread

You can apply flattener settings to individual spreads in a document, overriding the flattener preset you’ve set for the entire document or book. This is useful for controlling the flattening quality in documents with a mix of high-resolution images with lots of transparency and low-resolution images. In this case, you can flatten the complex spread at a high quality, and use a faster and lower-quality flattener preset on the other spreads.

At print or export time, you can revert to the flattener settings for the document or book.

  1. Display the spread in the Document window.
  2. Choose Spread Flattening in the Pages panel menu.
  3. Choose any of the following, and then click OK:
    Uses the document flattening preset for this spread.

    None (Ignore Transparency)
    Ignores transparency for the spread. This option is useful for troubleshooting by the service provider.

    Opens the Custom Spread Flattener Settings dialog box for specifying settings.