
Trapping text

Both the Adobe In‑RIP and built‑in trapping engines can trap text characters to other text and graphics. (Built‑in trapping requires that the text and graphics are created with InDesign, and aren’t contained in imported graphics.) A text character overlapping different background colors traps accurately to all of the colors.

Adobe In‑RIP Trapping can trap all types of fonts. In contrast, built‑in trapping works best with Type 1, Open Type, and Multiple Master fonts only; using TrueType fonts may result in inconsistent traps. If your document must use TrueType fonts and you want to use built‑in trapping, consider converting all TrueType text to outlines by selecting the text and choosing Type > Create Outlines. The text will become InDesign objects that trap reliably. Text can’t be edited after you convert it to outlines.