
Save backwards to previous InDesign versions

To open an InDesign CS3 document in InDesign CS2, you must install the appropriate plug-ins in the previous version of InDesign and export the InDesign CS3 document to the InDesign Interchange (INX) format.

You can obtain the compatibility plug-ins for InDesign CS2 by choosing Help > Updates and following the prompts. You can also obtain them from the Adobe website: Choose Support > Updates, and go to the InDesign Downloads page.

Be aware that content created using features specific to InDesign CS3 might be modified or omitted when you open the document in a InDesign CS2.

  1. Choose File > Export.
  2. From the File Type (Windows) or Formats (Mac OS) menu, choose InDesign Interchange.
  3. Click Save.

You can open the .inx file in InDesign CS2 to convert it to an untitled InDesign document.