Set general preferences
Choose Edit > Preferences >
General (Windows) or InDesign > Preferences > General
(Mac OS), and then choose the type of preferences you want
to specify.
- In the Page Numbering section, choose a page numbering
method from the View menu.
- In the Font Downloading and Embedding section, specify
a threshold to trigger font subsetting based on the number of glyphs
a font contains. This setting affects font downloading options in
the Print and Export dialog boxes.
- In the Scripting section, select Enable Attached Scripts
to allow JavaScript actions to be attached to features in InDesign.
You may want to turn off this option if you’re opening an InDesign
document from an unknown source.
- Click Reset All Warning Dialogs to display all warnings,
even the ones you’ve already checked not to display. (As warnings
appear, you can select a check box to prevent the warning from appearing