

Specify Autotag defaults

When you select a text frame, table, table cells, or an image, and then click the Autotag icon in the Tags panel, InDesign applies a default tag to the item you selected. You can specify these default tags in the Tagging Preset Options dialog box.

Note: InDesign applies a default tag when you create an element that requires a parent element, but doesn’t yet have one. For example, if you tag text within a text frame but the frame itself isn’t tagged, InDesign assigns the frame a tag according to the Tagging Preset Options. The capability to apply default tags helps InDesign maintain correct XML structure.
  1. Choose Tagging Preset Options from the Tags panel menu.
  2. Choose a default tag for text frames, tables, table cells, and images.
    If the tag you need isn’t listed, you can choose New Tag from the menu and create a tag.