You can determine how pages, chapters, and paragraphs are numbered in a book. In a book file, the numbering styles and starting numbers for pages and chapters are determined by each document’s settings in the Numbering & Section Options dialog box. For numbered paragraphs (such as lists of figures), this is determined by the numbered list style definition contained by the paragraph style.
The page range appears beside each document name in the Book panel. By default, InDesign updates page and section numbering in the Book panel when you add or remove pages in booked documents, or when you make changes to the book file, such as reordering, adding, or removing documents. You can turn off the setting to automatically update page and section numbers and update numbering in a book manually.
a document is missing or cannot be opened, the page range is shown
as “?” from the place where the missing document should be to the
end of the book, indicating that the true page range is unknown.
Remove or replace the missing document before you update numbering.
If the In Use icon appears,
someone using a different computer has opened the document; the
person must close the document before you can update numbering.
For a video on numbering pages in a book, see
You can start document numbering on odd- or even-numbered pages in booked documents.
To use sequential paragraph numbering for lists of figures, tables, or other items, you first define a numbered list that is used in a paragraph style. The numbered list you define determines whether paragraph numbering maintains sequential numbering across documents in a book.