
Select a color with the Color Picker

The Color Picker lets you choose colors from a color spectrum or specify colors numerically. You can define colors using the RGB, Lab, or CMYK color model.

  1. Double-click either the Fill or Stroke box in the Toolbox or the Color panel to open the Color Picker.
  2. To change the color spectrum displayed in the Color Picker, click a letter: R (Red), G (Green), or B (Blue); or L (luminance), a (green-red axis), or b (blue-yellow axis).
    Color Picker

    Previous color

    Current color

    Color spectrum

    Color slider triangles

    Color slider

  3. To define a color, do any of the following:
    • Click or drag inside the color spectrum. Cross-hairs indicate the color’s position in the spectrum.

    • Drag the triangles along the color slider or click inside the color slider.

    • Enter values in any of the text boxes.

  4. To save the color as a swatch, click Add CMYK Swatch, Add RGB Swatch, or Add Lab Swatch. InDesign adds the color to the Swatches panel, using the color values as its name.
  5. Click OK.