Swatches can include spot or process colors, mixed inks (process colors mixed with one or more spot colors), RGB or Lab colors, gradients, or tints.
When you place an image that contains spot colors, the colors are automatically added as swatches to the Swatches panel. You can apply these swatches to objects in your document, but you cannot redefine or delete the swatches.
The selected color or gradient appears in the Swatches panel and in the Fill box or Stroke box in the Toolbox, and is applied to the fill or stroke of all selected objects.
If you chose Process as the color type and you want the name always to describe the color values, make sure that Name With Color Value is selected.
If you chose Process as the color type and you want to name the color yourself, make sure that Name With Color Value is deselected, and type a Swatch Name.
If you chose Spot, type a Swatch Name.
Drag the sliders to change the color values. You can also enter numeric values in the text boxes next to the color sliders.
For spot colors, choose from color libraries in the Color Mode menu.
Click Add to add the swatch and define another one. Click Done when finished.
Click OK to add the swatch and exit the dialog box.