
Copying and pasting content into GoLive

Copying content from InDesign is a quick way to get formatted text, tables, and graphics into Adobe GoLive®. Formatting is preserved as much as possible. For a more systematic approach to repurpose content for GoLive, export to XHTML or use an XML workflow.

After you copy contents in InDesign, GoLive supports three Paste Special options: Plain Text, Empty CSS rules (style names are mapped, but no attributes are included), and Images (any visible InDesign content as WebSave image).

When copying and pasting, note the following:

Paragraph and character styles
Paragraph and characters styles are converted as much as possible in GoLive. Converted fonts are restricted to basic fonts available in Windows and Mac OS. Attributes not preserved in GoLive include baseline shift, ligatures, tracking, kerning, paragraph rules, justification, hyphenation, no-break settings, Keep options, and tab positions.

When you use Paste Special in GoLive to paste copied InDesign graphics, the graphic file is saved in a web-safe format. Simple transformations (such as scaling or rotation) that you’ve applied to imported graphics in InDesign are also preserved, so you don’t have to re-create these effects in GoLive.

Tables are exported in basic format, with minimal formatting. Header and footer rows are exported as normal rows, table styles aren’t mapped to specific formatting, and cell merges aren’t recognized.

You can also use the File Place import option in GoLive to add content. For more information on using InDesign content in GoLive, see the Adobe GoLive documentation.