
Create buttons

You can create buttons that perform an action when the document is exported to PDF format. For example, you can create a button that jumps to a different page of the PDF document or plays a movie clip.

Button set up to play movie

After you create a button, you can do the following:

  • Make the buttons interactive.

  • Use the States panel to define the appearance the button takes in response to certain actions.

  • Set the tab order of buttons on a page.

    Note: If you set a hyperlink destination to a button, the hyperlink will have no effect in the exported PDF document.

Create buttons using the button tool

When you create a button using the Button tool, you can drag the button area, or you can click to specify the height and width in a dialog box.

 Select the Button tool  in the Tools panel, and then do one of the following:
  • Click where you want the upper left corner of the button to appear, specify the width and height in the Button dialog box that appears, and then click OK.

  • Drag across the area where you want the button to appear.
    As with other Adobe drawing tools, you can hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) to draw from the center, hold down Shift to constrain the object to a square, or press the spacebar after you begin dragging to move the object.

    You may want to add navigation buttons (such as Next Page or Previous Page) to a master page. In the exported PDF document, the button appears on all document pages to which the master is applied.

Convert an object to a button

  1. Use the Selection tool  to select the image, shape, or text frame that you want to convert.

    You cannot convert a movie, sound, or poster to a button.

  2. Choose Object > Interactive > Convert to Button.

Define button properties

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Use the Selection tool  to select the button, and then choose Object > Interactive > Button Options.

    • Using the Selection tool, double-click the button. If the button contains text, double‑click the frame border.

  2. Click the General tab, and then do the following:
    Type a name that distinguishes the button from other buttons you create.

    Type a description that appears when the mouse pointer passes over the button in Acrobat. The description also acts as alternative text for visually impaired users.

    Visibility In PDF
    Specify whether you want the button to be visible or invisible in the exported PDF document, and whether you want the button to be printed. You may want to hide the button so that you can display it only during mouse rollover.

  3. Click the Behaviors tab, specify what happens when the button is acted on, and then click OK.

Convert a button to an object

  1. Use the Selection tool  to select the button.
  2. Choose Object > Interactive > Convert From Button.

When you use the Convert From Button command, the contents of the button remain on the page without the button properties.