
Add snippets to a document

  1. Choose File > Place.
  2. Select one or more snippet (*.INDS) files.
  3. Click the loaded snippet cursor where you want the upper left corner of the snippet file to be.

    All objects remain selected after you place the snippet. By dragging, you can adjust the position of all objects.

  4. If you loaded more than one snippet, scroll and click the loaded snippet cursor to place the others.
You can drag a snippet file from your desktop into the InDesign document and click where you want the upper left corner of the snippet to be.

Choose how to place snippets

Rather than place snippet objects according to where you click on a page, you can place them in their original locations. For example, a text frame that appeared in the middle of a page when it was made part of a snippet can appear in the same location when you place it as a snippet.

  • In File Handling preferences, choose Position At Original Location to preserve objects’ original locations in snippets; choose Position At Cursor Location to place snippets according to where you click a page.

You can press Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac) to override the Position setting you selected for handling snippets. For example, if you selected Position At Cursor Location but you want to place snippet objects in their original locations, hold down the Alt/option key when you click the loaded snippet cursor on the page.