

Best practices for working with managed files

Use the following practices to make sure that you work with the most up-to-date content and don’t overwrite someone else’s work:

  • Store assignment files on a server where all team members have access. If team members don’t have access to a server, you can create and distribute assignment packages.

  • When you create an assignment, a special folder is created to hold the assignment file and the content. Use these assignment folders to maintain assignment and content files. They simplify managing the shared files across a workgroup and help ensure that users open the correct files. If a file is moved from one assignment to another, its content file is moved to that assignment's folder.

  • In InCopy, open the assignment file instead of an individual InCopy story. That way, you can see the copyfit and layout information in Galley and Layout views. If you export content without using assignment files, you can see copyfit and layout information only by opening the InDesign file.

  • As soon as you open an assignment file, open an InDesign document, or check out content in either InDesign or InCopy, make sure that frame edges are showing (View > Show Frame Edges) so that you can see the frame icons when they appear.

  • In InDesign, if you must remove files from the workflow (because of a production deadline, for example), you can unlink them or cancel an assignment package.