
Create headers and footers

Headers and footers run through the top and bottom of the pages in your document, providing important background information. They can include such items as page, chapter, or section numbers; title or heading text; the author’s name; and the document’s filename and creation or modification date.

You can add many of these items by using text variables. InDesign includes several preset variables, such as Creation Date and File Name. You can modify these variables, and you can create your own. For example, you can create a variable that displays the first use of a Heading paragraph style in the header or footer. Once you create or edit the variables you need, you assemble them on the master page to create your header and footer.

Using page numbers and variables to create a footer

Footer variable inserted on master page

Variable text on document page that grabs text from the first heading on the page

For a video on creating headers and footers, see

  1. If necessary, create or edit the variables you want to use in your header or footer. (See Create variables for running headers and footers.)
  2. Go to the master page where you want to add the header or footer.

    The header or footer will appear on any document page to which the master page is applied.

  3. Create a text frame large enough to include all the header or footer information. Place the text frame above or below where the content of the document pages will appear.
  4. Add text, auto page numbers, and variables as needed.
  5. Apply the master page to document pages where you want the header or footer to appear.
  6. If necessary, create headers and footers for additional master pages.