
About Adobe Bridge

Adobe Bridge is a cross-platform application included with Adobe Creative Suite 3 components that helps you locate, organize, and browse the assets you need to create print, web, video, and audio content. You can start Bridge from any Creative Suite component (except Acrobat® 8), and use it to access both Adobe and non-Adobe asset types.

From Adobe Bridge, you can:
  • Manage image, footage, and audio files: Preview, search, sort, and process files in Bridge without opening individual applications. You can also edit metadata for files, and use Bridge to place files into your documents, projects, or compositions.

  • Drag assets from Bridge into the InDesign document window, or drag assets from the document window into Bridge to create snippets.

  • Work with Adobe Version Cue®-managed assets.

  • Perform automated tasks, such as batch commands.

  • Synchronize color settings across color-managed Creative Suite components.

  • Start a real-time web conference to share your desktop and review documents.

For a video on using Bridge, see