
Change the sort order of indexes

You can change the sort order of languages and symbols. This is especially useful for Greek, Cyrillic, and Asian languages.

Changing the sort order affects the sort order in the Index panel and in the index stories that are generated afterwards. For example, you can generate an index in German, change the sort order, and then generate a separate index in Swedish — just make sure Replace Existing Index isn’t selected when you generate the index.

  1. Choose Sort Options from the Index panel menu.
  2. Make sure the items you want sorted are selected.
  3. To change the order of a language or symbol, select it in the list, and then click the Up or Down buttons in the lower right part of the list.

    Items that are higher on the list are sorted before lower items. Any characters from languages that aren’t included in the Sort Options dialog box are sorted under symbols. For example, if you have Greek text in your document but don’t include Greek under Sort Options, any indexed Greek text will appear under Symbols.