
Manage hyperlinks

Use the Hyperlinks panel to edit, delete, reset, or locate hyperlinks.

Edit hyperlinks

  1. In the Hyperlinks panel, double-click the item you want to edit.
  2. Make changes to the hyperlink as necessary, and then click OK.

Delete hyperlinks

When you remove a hyperlink, the source text or graphic remains.

 Select the item or items you want to remove in the Hyperlinks panel, and then click the Delete button at the bottom of the panel.

Edit or delete hyperlink destinations

  1. Open the document in which the destination appears.
  2. Choose Hyperlink Destination Options in the Hyperlinks panel menu.
  3. For Destination, select the name of the destination you want to edit.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Edit, and then make changes to the destination as necessary.

    • Click Delete to remove the destination.

  5. When you are finished editing or deleting destinations, click OK.

Reset hyperlinks

  1. Select the range of text, the text frame, or the graphic frame that will act as the new hyperlink source.
  2. Select the hyperlink in the Hyperlinks panel.
  3. Choose Reset Hyperlink in the Hyperlinks panel menu.

To update hyperlinks to external documents, choose Update Hyperlink in the Hyperlinks panel menu.

Go to a hyperlink source or anchor

  • To locate a hyperlink source, select the item you want to locate in the Hyperlinks panel. Choose Go To Source in the Hyperlinks panel menu. The text or frame will be selected.
  • To locate a hyperlink destination, select the item you want to locate in the Hyperlinks panel. Choose Go To Destination in the Hyperlinks panel menu.

If the item is a URL destination, InDesign starts or switches to your web browser to display the destination. If the item is a text anchor or page destination, InDesign jumps to that location.